CD Rom on Integrated Water Resource Management

Cap-Net and the Global Water Partnership (GWP) have recently developed a CD that includes a wealth of training materials, tools, experiences o­n Integrated Water Resource Management – IWRM. The CD includes the Cap-Net e-library with training materials, water management materials, network tools, and references and information o­n courses and resource centres. It also includes the IWRM toolbox from the GWP, an organised collection of case studies in IWRM that have been peer reviewed by the GWP.

All of these materials are also available o­nline from the GWP ToolBox  and Cap-Net.  The CD can be requested (free of charge) by sending an email to or

Source: Sandra Hails, Communications Officer, Ramsar Convention Secretariat

Updated on 11/28/2006 10:55:57 AM.