The work of the MedWet CODDE project – MedWet information and knowledge network for the sustainable development of wetland ecosystems was presented at the Globwetland Symposium, 19-20 October, Rome, Italy. Delivered by Iphigenia Keramitsoglou, Researcher at the Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing National Observatory of Athens, Greece the presentation looked at developing a standardised methodology for inventorying and monitoring Mediterranean wetlands using Earth observation tools and drew on the MedWet CODDE project as a case study in this context.
The symposium was also attended by Pere Tomas-Vives, Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, Charis Kontoes, National Observatory of Athens, Greece as well as Joao Carlos Farinha, Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICN) Centro de Zonas Húmidas who participated in a training course organised within the Symposium.
Organised by the European Space Agency and Ramsar Convention Secretariat the symposium focused on new earh observation technologies that can meet global and local needs in wetlands inventorying, assessment and monitoring.
Visit the website of MedWet CODDE to download the paper ‘Towards a standardised methodology for inventorying and monitoring Mediterranean wetlands using Earth observation by Keramitsoglou I., Kontoes C., Sifakis N., Haffner-Sifakis Chr., Fitoka E., Christian R.R., Serebryakova A., Tomas-Vives P. , Kouvelis S., Dimiza A.
Source: Iphigenia Keramitsoglou, Researcher at the Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing National Observatory of Athens, Greece
Updated on 10/24/2006 12:34:40 PM.