Managing Sites within a changing climate Eurosite Annual Conference 2006 Orleans, France

The Eurosite Annual Conference ‘Managing sites in a Changing Climate’ is hosted by Office National des Forets (ONF), in cooperation with Federation des Conservatoires d’Espaces Naturels (FCEN) and Conservatoire du Patrimoine Naturel de la Region Centre (CPNRC). 

Conference Programme 

Wednesday 25th October  Field Trips: Reality in the Field
During two field trips, various habitats and appropriate management practices, as well as the impacts of climate change will be observed.

Thursday 26th October – Working together, learning together: Eurosite’s Future.
Workshops will be hosted by a variety of international experts and will explore topics such as Coastal and Marine issues, Forestry Management, Management Planning and Financing Natura 2000.  Members will meet at the Market Place and discuss Eurosite’s future during the AGM.

Friday 27th October Eurosite Seminar
Managing sites within a changing climate? The Seminar is the culmination of the Conference. It will also appeal to colleagues with responsibility for policy and funding. It will include presentations from leading experts from within and beyond the network.  There will be two interactive discussion sessions.

Eurosite extends this Seminar invitation to individuals and organisations from within and beyond the Eurosite Network.

The deadline for registration is 24 September. More information & full programme is available o­n the Eurosite website

Updated on 9/11/2006 4:24:49 PM.