A DVD containing results of the project titled ‘Action program for wetlands in the Mediterranean region’ also known as MedWet Regions has now been released. Produced by the local authority of Andalucia, the dvd available in Spanish, contains information inventorying data presented in an interactive format. A basic set of data on the state of wetlands, describing among others the state of submersion, depth of water, levels of dissolved oxygen and oxygen saturation are offered for most of the sites while a wider range of physical and chemical characteristics of water is available for some wetlands. Also included on the dvd are interactive maps allowing users to navigate through layers of data on wetlands and their surrounding areas. Layers feature informationon among others presence and size of settlements, vegetation, hydrographic network.
Aimed among others at the inventorying of wetlands with use of the MedWet Database Tool, the MedWet Regions project enlisted participation of nine regions in the North West Mediterranean, namely Corsica and Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur – France, Tuscany – Italy, Andalusia and Balearic Islands as well as Murcia and Valencia – Spain, Algarve and Alentejo – Portugall. Completed in December 2004, the project was co-financed by the European Commission, INTERREG IIIB MedOcc instrument.
Interactive maps containing results of the project for Tuscany has been placed online. Hosted on the website of the Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale della Toscana (ARPAT), it allows visitors to navigate through a wealth of information on 30 Ramsar sites of Tuscany participating in this project.
For more information on the dvd you can contact the Office of Environment of Corsica by e-mail
Updated on 4/5/2006 4:43:43 PM.