The Seventh Meeting of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee (MedWet/Com 7) will take place in Kampala, Uganda, 8 November 2005, on the first day of the Ninth Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention of Wetlands (CoP9).
Delegates to the Meeting will review among others information provided by two regional surveys, regarding the state of wetlands as well as major pressures and activity undertaken for their conservation. Based on the National Reports submitted by countries for the Ramsar CoP9 Meeting, covering the period 2002-2005, as well as on findings on research focusing on qualitative assessment of the state of wetlands (Stark M, Davidson N, Kouvelis S, 2004), the Meeting will discuss the Strategic Priorities in the work of MedWet for the coming triennium.
A summary of the findings of these reports is included in the Report of the MedWet Coordination Unit to the Committee, available, together with all documents for the MedWet/Com7, here.
At the Meeting, delegates will also review progress in the implementation of the work program of MedWet as well as adopt a work program and budget for MedWet for 2006-2008. Additionally, delegates will review and adopt a set of principles guiding operational procedures of MedWet.
All working documents of the Seventh Meeting of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee (MedWet/Com 7), including a registration form and a provisional agenda are available in English and in French.
Updated on 10/26/2005 3:31:45 PM.