The Technical and The Standing Committee to the Ramsar Convention met between 6-10 June, to prepare and consider draft resolutions in anticipation of the Ninth Meeting of the Contracting Parties, to be held in Kampala, Uganda, 8-15 November 2005.
Currently chaired by Ms Gordana Beltram, Slovenia, the Committee decided in its 31st Meeting, among others, to recommend endorsement of a number of new regional initiatives to the next Meeting of the Ramsar Contracting Parties. Regional initiatives for the protection of wetlands to be proposed to CoP9 cover the areas of the Central Americas, Oceania as well as the Caribbean and African Pacific group of countries.
Concerning financial matters related to the operation of MedWet and regional initiatives in general, the Committee agreed on a floor minimum contribution to be established towards all initiatives. Further, the Committee welcomed the expression of interest by the government of Greece to continue hosting the MedWet Coordination Unit.
Updated on 8/5/2005 2:48:49 AM.