New MedWet publication on integrated management of wetlands

The need for an approach of management of wetlands that integrates the interests of man, nature and biodiversity is becoming increasingly apparent. A new MedWet publication titled ‘Integrated management of Mediterranean wetlands’ was recently launched to address key issues relating to planning and implementing integrated management in the Mediterranean context.

Edited by A J Crivelli and J Jalbert, this is the thirteenth volume in the Mediterranean wetland series, published by the Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat.  Its production was made possible with the financial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the United Nations Development Program.

While emphasizing the importance of a tailored-based approach that should be developed to address the speficities of each site, the book provides a set of  insights framing discussion o­n the following issues:

-What conditions are conducive to applying an integrated management approach
-What scale of area is appropriate
-Which key actors to involve
-How to facilitate dialogue among competing users of wetland resources
-What organizations and structures can provide leadership for integrated management of wetlands
-How to strengthen capacities for facilitating mediation towards integrated
-What role can the State play in supporting integrated management structures

While no universal answers to these questions are available, the book offers a wide range of lessons derived from the practical application of wetland management in the Mediterranean.

Highly accessible to the non-expert,  the book provides clearly written introduction to the schools of thought concerning wetland management while also drawing from the experience of a number of experts, and recent work o­n integrated management of coastal zones, providing an in-depth review of the subject in a Mediterranean context.

Moreover, the first section of the book, focusing o­n a general overview of the values of wetlands and benefits, richly illustrated with photographs and diagrams make an excellent introduction o­n the subject of wetlands.

You can order a copy of this publication or any of the 12 other volumes in the Mediterranean Wetland series, available in English or French, by contacting the Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat

Updated on 8/25/2005 11:13:14 AM.