WETNET is an Interreg Mediterranean project, cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund and coordinated by Veneto Region. The project addresses the issue of wetlands in Europe, which are vulnerable interconnected environments, hugely contributing to biodiversity. Their protection intertwines scientific-environmental aspects and governance concerns.
WETNET objectives
The project aims at ensuring higher coordination between different levels of spatial planning and authorities in charge for wetland management, whilst limiting conflicts between conservation issues and economic activities. By defining common priorities for MED wetland conservation, WETNET builds a common territorial strategy for their integrated management.
The project intends to increase the knowledge of Wetlands Contracts’ effectiveness, and strengthen existing transnational networks for sharing and disseminating information and good practices on wetland conservation.

The Verdier Marshes (Camargue, France), one of the pilot sites of the WETNET project. Photo credit: @D. C. Frédérique
What are Wetland Contracts?
Wetland Contracts can be defined as voluntary-based commitments undertaken by various public and private entities for the sustainable management of wetland systems. With a Wetland Contract, a local community can identify responsibilities and implementation strategies for the governance and management of their wetlands. The WETNET project will test the Wetland Contract as a governance tool for the sustainable management of protected wetlands.
WETNET partners
The project is implemented in nine pilot areas identified by ten partners which are: Veneto region (Italy), Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Slovenia), the Research Institute for the Conservation of Mediterranean Wetlands (Tour du Valat, France), Province of Vercelli (Italy), Andalusian Federation of Towns and Provinces (Spain), Spanish Ornithological Society-SEO/Birdlife (Spain), Italian Center for River Restoration-CIRF (Italy), SARGA – Government of Aragon (Spain), RCDI – Development and Innovation Network (Portugal), Gozo Development Agency – Gozo Regional Committee (Malta).

WETNET partners during the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the project held in Ljubljana (Slovenia), 11-14th Jun 2017. Photo credit: WETNET_ Igor Lapajne (ZRC SAZU)

WETNET partners visited the pilot areas in Gozo Island during the 3rd Steering Committee held in Malta, 23-24 November 2017. Photo credit: WETNET _Alicia Sánchez (SARGA)
More information
An Interreg Med community of projects for biodiversity protection
Contact (Lead Partner)
Arch. Claudio Perin
Regione del Veneto – Area Tutela e Sviluppo del Territorio
Direzione Pianificazione Territoriale
Unità Organizzativa Pianificazione territoriale strategica e cartografia
P.O. Sviluppo tecnico disciplinare e progetti europei
Calle Priuli, 99 – Cannaregio -30121 Venezia
Tel: +39 041 279 2375 / +39 041 279 2383 / +39 3441531541