WMP: Water Management Planning

SitesRegions of Macedonia and Thrace, Greece
Duration Date:
Starting Date: OCT 2003,
End Date: SEPT 2006
Duration in months: 36
Financing Agency

Ministry of Development, Greece
Contact Person: Ms H. Siatou


Contact Person: A. Bensasson


Partner 1
Name:  DHI
Contact Person: Henrik Sorensen

Partner 2                                                                           
Name: Greek Biotope / Wetland Center (EKBY), Greece
Contact Person: Mr Dimitris Papadimos

Budget1.348.200€Co-financing Agency/ Institution:1.348.200€100%
Objectives* Development of modelling systems and tools for water resources management in the River Basin Districts of Macedonia and Thrace
Results* Development of a Geo-Database of quantitative and qualitative information on water resources and their use* Development of the hydrological models of the River Basin Districts in Macedonia and Thrace* Development of the water resources management models of the River Basin Districts in Macedonia and Thrace* Setting up and evaluation of future water resources management scenarios under climate changes, the requirements of the European Union Water Frame Directive  and the needs of ecosystems
Actions / Activities* Collection and assessment of quantitative and qualitative data relevant to meteorology, hydrology geology and hydrogeology for both surface and groundwater as well as data relavant to the aquatic ecosystems.* Geo-Database set up* Analysis of hydrometeorological, hydrogeological and water quality data

* Analysis of aquatic ecosystems and wetlands water needs

* Development of hydrogeological models and modelling processes

* Analysis of infrastructure and land uses

* Collection and assessment of data for the utilization of water resources

* Development of the management model

* Model implementation – Calibration

* Collection and assessment of data on financial activities on which the analysis of the water management policy will be based

* A model of economy is analysed in order to estimate the financial results of the implementation of the management model

* Development and evaluation of water resources management scenarios

* Establishment of the models within pertinent public services and training of the services employees

* Application of the developed management tool”